by John Shield
I AM A Cosmotheist, meaning a person who has taken the purpose of the Creator and made it his own.
Some may refer to the Creator as God, and ultimately this is inconsequential as long as the word is not confused with the Jewish “gods” of the Old and New Testaments.
The purpose of the Creator is to self-realize within creation, which has been the purpose since the beginning of time itself. The Creator is both the creator and the created, self-actualizing through the complex macro ecology of the Cosmos, attempting everything, all at once. Only recently have we consciously acknowledged this and willfully taken efforts to guide the evolutionary process of man to superman, in contrast to our formerly unconscious, then subconscious, painful yet glorious path to this point in human quality, history, and achievement.
The European subspecies of man represents the current peak of such realization by the Creator, and we intend on knowingly improving ourselves in both intelligence and consciousness to further the Creator’s purpose as we progress on our path to superman and godhood.
Cosmotheists do not fear newfound knowledge as many other religions do. Rather, we embrace these things if they are proved by strong evidence. We want to understand reality and the natural world for what it is, not for what we wish it would be as seen through some ideology-filtered fantasy goggles.
Unlike Ted Kaczynski, we should not try to prevent technological advancement from happening, but rather use such blessings to acquire further understanding and abilities.
We recognize that there is hierarchy in life. We recognize that there are winners and losers. We recognize that there will be difficult decisions and sacrifice.
A religion or ideology which does not understand and accept the biological reality of genetics and its impact on society, but which depends rather on superstition and fantasy, will never be able to make sense of life, will never be able to create an effective road map for the future for its adherents, and can never create a coherent path to fulfilling the Creator’s Purpose.
Selective pressures are external forces which drive certain phenotypes to be more genetically successful via disproportionate reproduction in a given environment. This difference in survival and reproduction rates due to phenotype is known as natural selection. All living things are evolutionary products of such selection pressures. Over the course of many generations, adaptive heritable traits naturally arise in a population. Selective pressures come in many forms: disease, predators (and war), food scarcity, alteration of the environment, long-term temperature changes, natural disasters, human ideologies (e.g., laws and punishment), etc. These pressures determine what we become on the phenotypical level. On an individual level, these dictate our physical attributes as well as our cognitive traits. These traits, when sufficiently adaptive, then branch out on the group level — first to our immediate family, then extended family, then our ethnic group, our race, and to a lesser and more basic and broad phenotypic extent, to other races of humans.
For Europeans, most environments in Europe have predictably long winters, but with a sufficient growing season for farming, favoring traits in European people which allow them to be able to prepare during the warm months to survive the winter. These pressures, leading back to the last ice age and beyond, gave Europeans many of the traits we value today (and of which other races are envious) — everything from high intelligence, to our uniquely beautiful physical characteristics, to our thirst for adventure, to our contempt for parasites, and much more. We are products of our experience with the harsh selective pressures of Europe, and a fine example of the image of the Creator (God), and the natural mechanisms which mold creation.
Europeans often take for granted that our standards are not universally held by the rest of humanity, and sometimes feel a “need” to lower or outright abolish many of these standards in order to “help” non-Whites to compete in European society. Europeans are often surprised when traveling internationally to the Second and Third World due to the glaring lack of these standards and societal norms. Non-Whites sometimes even go so far as to claim that European societal norms, which many people of European descent think of as universal, are forms of “White supremacy.” These norms include but are not limited to objective, rational, linear thinking; an evidence-based justice system; delayed gratification; rigid time management; planning for the future; and European beauty standards.
With the rise of the Industrial Revolution in Europe, starting with England, these selective pressures were eased. As wealth increased, more effort was made to improve the quality of life for the average person. Hygiene management, clean water, antibiotics, and food safety modernization meant people who would have otherwise perished were now living long lives and having many children.
Prior to the industrial revolution, Europeans experienced a 50% child mortality rate, and only 10-20% of people successfully passed on their genes to their grandchildren. Today, childhood mortality sits at 1%, meaning we now have multiple generations of people breeding who would (and should) have been culled by ecological selective pressures. This has naturally led to a dramatic drop in intelligence as well as in other favorable traits, and it has also led a proliferation of self-hating, hyper-individualist, Machiavellian, mentally ill people. When we removed the selective effects of the European environment, which were the means by which the Creator had put us on our upward path of adaptive traits, without replacing those selective pressures with another selection mechanism, our race stagnated and even degenerated over the generations.
More widespread wealth from industrial efficiency also meant more charity and welfare programs for the fertile poor, who would otherwise have naturally suffered the greatest consequences of selective pressures — since they tended to have higher concentrations of less desirable, even burdensome traits such as parasitism, low intelligence, and a greater tendency toward criminality. Although the genetically less-well-adapted in every European nation are not particularly violent, due to generation after generation of removing violent criminals from the gene pool, they do tend to have less impulse control, higher time preferences, weaker worth ethics, lower intelligence, and poorer health. They also are relatively disinclined to prepare for the future, and consequently have a considerably higher birthrate than the more intelligent Whites. Studies show that, on average, Europeans (not including non-White immigrants) are now losing 1.5 IQ points per decade.
This means that slowly yet surely, and in combination with a decadent, self-loathing culture, every subsequent generation is more lazy, ugly, stupid, sick, decadent, and mentally ill than the one before it. This has undoubtedly led to a rise in spiteful “leftist” ideologies, through which the worst people now have massive political power via “democracy”; and a cultural decline now so severe that we have reached the point where the ugly, stupid, broken, and sick, are now essentially venerated. Furthermore, women are artificially pushed into the “work force” and into anti-White, anti-family universities during their most fertile years, and are corrupted by a “feminist” ideology which teaches them that being married to a man, being home with your family, and raising your children is viewed as “slavery” — and that being a cog in the anti-White corporate machine and being promiscuous is the most fulfilling life for a woman (despite every metric showing this couldn’t be further from the truth).
This means that we no longer live in a natural environment — and Darwinian selective pressures, under which the most genetically healthy, the intelligent, and the strong tend to survive at the highest rates, are no longer operative. Today, the weak, stupid, poor, hateful, violent, and short-sighted are paid to breed — while resources are sapped from those who should be reproducing. This will lead to societal collapse, perhaps even a descent back to the subhuman. Part of me wonders if Europeans should have ever left Europe without a proper eugenics program to replace the unique ecological selective pressures found there.
There is strong evidence the Malthusian cycle of civilization (its rise and fall) is caused by these dysgenic explosions of low quality genes during the high points of civilization. We are currently experiencing a decline from the highest point of our civilization, and the results in the next few decades could be catastrophic. Early eugenicists recognized this as preventable — but, unfortunately, eugenic policies have been made taboo by a hostile, foreign, ideologically driven parasite known as the Jew.
At this point, you may be wondering: What does this have to do with Cosmotheism? Should Cosmotheists concern themselves with the causes of the rise and fall of civilizations? Let us review the relevant points:
The Creator made both the blueprint (DNA) and the mechanism (evolution) to attain higher intelligence and consciousness on our path to Godhood. Adaptive traits naturally arise due to selective pressures from a given environment via evolution. The unique and eugenic European environment, over the very long term, made us who we are.
Eugenic selection pressures eventually ended and then reversed due to the discoveries and techniques of the industrial revolution which in their practical applications protected all, especially the weak and defective, from the ravages of Nature we had formerly experienced. We are now falling back toward the subman because of this dysgenic shift.
By recognizing the purpose of the Creator, and accepting the biological reality of the natural world, we can consciously select for traits in our pursuit of Godhood.
We must implement eugenic policies to replace the eugenic selection pressures of the European past which are now essentially gone. Before we realized the Creator’s purpose, our path was guided by the unique European environment without requiring conscious action on our part — but now, without these selective pressures, or something eugenic to replace them, we will surely fall back into sub-man, and all evidence shows us that this is indeed happening. Therefore, any ideology, religion, or supposed political solution is doomed to fail if it does not address the issue of dysgenic reproduction — what causes it, and how can it be corrected. Pre-Cosmotheist religions, at best, did not address this most important of all issues — and, at worst, they pushed us away from eugenics, as they almost universally do today.
Cosmotheism makes eugenic progression an explicit goal. Cosmotheism is the only religion with eternity in mind (actual eternity, in the real world — not an imaginary eternity). Cosmotheism recognizes Nature and reality as they are. It recognizes the inequality and hierarchy of life, and does not try to subvert reality via ideology nor utilize supernatural nonsense to trick the coping, emotional masses.
It is a shame that our founder Dr. William Pierce did not live long enough to witness the work of dissident scientists of the last 20 years. Their contributions to our understanding of genetics and evolution and their impact on human behavior are invaluable. They are doing what many of us would call “God’s work” — and may be the silver lining in the dark clouds of the otherwise degenerate modern era. I suspect Dr. Pierce would have appreciated the new data we possess on racial traits and history, and further expanded Cosmotheism on that basis. This is a direction in which Cosmotheists will gladly, yet carefully, advance, knowing full well to respect the study ideological foundation Dr. Pierce has laid for us.
As long as society’s rulers don’t recognize Cosmotheism or set up effective measures based on it, we will be slaves to the endlessly repeated terrible suffering of the booms and subsequent busts of civilizations, the terrors of which will only deepen as once easily available natural resources become unattainable. Therefore any ideology, and any religion, which does not take into account the relationship between civilization and genetic quality is effectively dead in the water, and only contributing to the continuation of the Malthusian boom-bust cycle of civilizations — and likely wasting our world’s limited resources on consumerism and greed, rather than utilizing them to advance us to the next stage toward Higher Man and securing our position in the Cosmos. There is a very real possibility that there are limited opportunities and a very restricted time frame for us to attain such things as resources of all types become scarce, and the most accessible resources completely depleted. The next boom-bust cycle may be the last one that is even possible.
There are parallels to the dysgenic situation our race is dealing with. One is that of the chronic fire situation in California. Some of the greatest men of our race recognized the importance of preserving the natural beauty of North America via conservation laws and methods. What began with preventing people from building homes and businesses on protected land, eventually turned into fighting naturally occurring fires from running through protected lands. Once it become economically feasible, this policy of putting out fires as quickly as possible became the norm. As you can imagine, there were consequences for disrupting the Creator’s mechanism of selective pressures.
Over the course of the last few decades, fires have multiplied in frequency, size, and damage. Undergrowth which would have naturally burned many times over became excessive, sapping valuable water from both Man and Nature, including centuries-old trees — and, during water-competing drought, produced millions of dead trees, which burned the forests hotter than they would have if left to burn naturally. These excessively hot and artificially long-lasting fires burn down the old growth which we were trying to preserve, which — ironically — would have likely survived many cycles of the natural, less-intense fires. Our actions, no matter how nobly inspired, have now proven to have had an effect opposite from that which we intended. Worse yet, the institutions which exist to put these fires out blow through their taxpayer-funded budgets year after year, further justifying their existence and increasing the agencies’ ability to preserve and expand themselves. Predictably, the situation will worsen until the whole system can no longer function due to economic collapse.
Apply the above story to genetics, wherein every generation paid its debt in blood so the next could flourish — or to the national financial debt of every Western country becoming bloated to pamper hostile foreigners and an aging generation of hyper-individualists who care little for their grandchildren and less for their race. Every generation must pay its debts, whether it’s the burning of new growth, the death (or prevention of excessive procreation) of the unfit, or outlawing the generational usury which enslaves us all for the benefit of the few. (Generational debt, in whatever form it may exist, will always be more catastrophic if not paid — or canceled — every generation.) The self-balancing mechanisms of the Creator demand regular payment, or there will be extreme consequences.
We need not be slaves to the Malthusian cycle. Cosmotheism offers a path through which European man can self-impose consciously-crafted selective measures, embodying both the sculpture and the Sculptor on his path to Higher Man, and eventually to Godhood, fulfilling the Creator’s purpose. The fact that we recognize this tells us we have reached a pivotal point in consciousness. Now is the time to take whatever actions may be needed to actualize this next step.
Cosmotheism represents the only religion with a path forward. It represents the only religion that doesn’t accidently get some things right — but rather explicitly and consciously recognizes the Creator’s purpose, and makes that Man’s purpose. Not for some imagined “salvation” or heroin-coma of bliss, but rather for the purpose of advancing our race up every single link of the DNA spiral ladder to the future, with the intention making each future link stronger than the one before.
Whatever the exact steps we choose to take in accomplishing this goal, we needn’t be mean-spirited or nasty to those amongst our people who don’t meet the criteria to directly pass on their genes, but rather honor their sacrifice for the greater good of our people and respect their service to the Creator. In the end, all of our people have some purpose, and can assist the Creator in self-realization through shared sacrifice. True eternal life means living through our descendants. And by every generation paying its own debt through shared sacrifice, it means every generation has the potential to be better than the last.
* * *
I will end this by giving thanks to the Creator. Coincidentally, I write this during Yule, likely the greatest holy days of our people, and one in which we celebrate by giving gifts and gathering with loved ones. Yule marks the beginning of Winter, itself a great selective event. The European Winter molded our people into who we are. I thank the Creator for the organic mechanisms through which we evolve in both consciousness and intellect, even the most terrible of them. I thank the Creator for realizing himself through me and my race. I thank the Creator for the beauty of the natural world and for Life’s endless striving for perfection. I thank the Creator for the beauty of the European people, both inward and outward, especially that of my family and friends. I thank the Creator for our transition from the subconscious selection of traits to the conscious selection we will bring into being, and for the affirmation of our genetic destiny. And finally, I thank the Creator for our achievements both individually and as a race, because ultimately, we are a combination of (related) genes and how those genes react to their environment, which are both of the Creator.