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Folkish Odinism<\/span><\/a><\/div>\n
Forwarded from Wotan Network Activity<\/span><\/a><\/div>\n\n\n
I have had a wild year. Big changes in my life have coincided with Ritual Days, Solstices and so forth. In this Holy Month it has been no different. The Hurricane caused heavy rain giving me the day off work and my family decided to attend a Swiss Festival a few hours away. The rain was intense but my family and I and the rest of the festival goers braved it to celebrate this beautiful flavor of our broader European culture. I had planned to do a Wotan Erwache of the Alpine horns but due to the rain they had to cancel because they are originals and would be damaged. After some brats, sauerkraut, and other fun things to eat we decided to call it a day. Driving home we went through the Amish country of Ohio. The landscape is large rolling hills with trees, picturesque farms, and just pure Natural beauty. At one such area I felt compelled to pull over and give an offering to Ingwe-Freyr. As I forced my wife to come with me and poured the English ale into our travel horn the rain that had kept up all day stopped. The sun even peaked through for even a moment. The wind picked up and as I poured the libation into that Christian\u2019s field I felt Him. I felt a chill in my blood but not scared. I felt the hairs rise up and I looked to my wife who also felt it as her eyes were mimicking my own. It was unspeakable yet incredibly powerful. I am not saying Lord Ingwe came down and talked to me or any such foolishness, yet I swear on everything I felt his presence today in that field. There are things that baffle science to this day and silence critics. I repeat, today, I felt an otherworldly power and so did my wife. H\u00e6l the Lord<\/div>\n\n